Top 10 Digital Adoption Platforms for Small Businesses

How to choose the best digital adoption platform for your organization

#DigitalAdoption #SmallBusinesses

In today’s digital age, it’s essential for small businesses to adopt new technologies to stay competitive. However, adopting new technology can be challenging, especially for small businesses with limited resources. That’s where digital adoption platforms come in. In this article, we’ll discuss the top 10 digital adoption platforms for small businesses.

digital adoption platforms

What are digital adoption platforms?

Digital adoption platforms are software solutions that help businesses to adopt new technologies faster and more efficiently. They provide guidance and support to employees as they learn how to use new software or tools. Digital adoption platforms can also help businesses to streamline their workflows and increase productivity.

Benefits of using digital adoption platforms for small businesses

There are several benefits of using digital adoption platforms for small businesses, including:

Faster adoption of new technology: Digital adoption platforms help employees learn how to use new software or tools more quickly, reducing the time and resources needed for training.

Increased productivity: By providing guidance and support, digital adoption platforms can help employees to use software more effectively, leading to increased productivity.

Streamlined workflows: Digital adoption platforms can help businesses to streamline their workflows by automating certain processes and reducing the need for manual intervention.

Cost-effective: Digital adoption platforms can help businesses save money by reducing the need for extensive training and support.

Top 10 digital adoption platforms for small businesses

1. WalkMe

WalkMe is a cloud-based digital adoption platform that helps businesses to streamline their workflows and increase productivity. It provides guidance and support to employees as they learn how to use new software or tools. WalkMe offers a variety of features, including on-screen guidance, analytics, and A/B testing.

2. Whatfix

Whatfix is a digital adoption platform that helps businesses to onboard new employees and train existing ones. It provides guidance and support in real-time, reducing the time and resources needed for training. Whatfix offers a variety of features, including interactive walkthroughs, analytics, and in-app messaging.

3. Apty

Apty is a digital adoption platform that helps businesses to improve their software adoption rates and increase productivity. It provides guidance and support to employees as they learn how to use new software or tools. Apty offers a variety of features, including on-screen guidance, analytics, and user feedback.

4. Appcues

Appcues is a digital adoption platform that helps businesses to create personalized user experiences. It provides guidance and support to users as they navigate through software or tools. Appcues offers a variety of features, including in-app messaging, analytics, and user segmentation.

5. Userlane

Userlane is a digital adoption platform that helps businesses to reduce their training costs and increase productivity. It provides guidance and support to employees as they learn how to use new software or tools. Userlane offers a variety of features, including on-screen guidance, analytics, and A/B testing.

6. Pendo

Pendo is a digital adoption platform that helps businesses to improve their user engagement and increase revenue. It provides guidance and support to users as they navigate through software or tools. Pendo offers a variety of features, including in-app messaging, analytics, and user segmentation.

7. Inline Manual

Inline Manual is a digital adoption platform that helps businesses to onboard new users and provide training to existing ones. It provides guidance and support in real-time, reducing the time and resources needed for training. Inline Manual offers a variety of features, including interactive walkthroughs, analytics, and in-app messaging.

8. Userpilot

Userpilot is a digital adoption platform that helps businesses to improve their user engagement and retention rates. It provides guidance and support to users as they navigate through software or tools. Userpilot offers a variety of features, including on-screen guidance, analytics, and A/B testing.

9. UserIQ

UserIQ is a digital adoption platform that helps businesses to improve their user engagement and reduce churn rates. It provides guidance and support to users as they navigate through software or tools. UserIQ offers a variety of features, including in-app messaging, analytics, and user segmentation.

10. Gainsight

Gainsight is a digital adoption platform that helps businesses to improve their customer success rates. It provides guidance and support to users as they navigate through software or tools. Gainsight offers a variety of features, including customer health scores, analytics, and user segmentation.

Digital adoption platform vs. digital transformation: What’s the difference?

Digital adoption platform and digital transformation are two concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings. Digital transformation is the process of using technology to fundamentally change how a business operates and delivers value to its customers. It involves a complete overhaul of processes, culture, and operations.

On the other hand, a digital adoption platform is a tool that helps organizations adopt and integrate new digital technologies more efficiently and effectively. It focuses on streamlining the adoption process and ensuring that employees are able to use new technologies to their full potential. While digital transformation is a long-term strategic goal, digital adoption platforms are a tactical solution that can help organizations achieve that goal more quickly and easily.

How to measure the ROI of a digital adoption platform

Measuring the ROI of a digital adoption platform (DAP) requires a strategic approach that takes into account several factors. Firstly, it’s important to define clear goals and objectives for implementing the DAP, such as improving employee productivity, reducing training costs, or increasing user adoption rates of new digital tools.

Once these goals are established, you can measure the success of the DAP by collecting data on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as employee engagement, user adoption rates, and time-to-competence. You can also compare the cost of implementing and maintaining the DAP against the benefits it provides, such as increased revenue, cost savings, or improved customer satisfaction. By analyzing this data, you can determine the overall ROI of the DAP and make informed decisions about how to optimize its usage to achieve even greater returns. It’s important to remember that the ROI of a DAP is not just about financial returns, but also about the impact it has on your organization’s overall digital transformation journey.


Digital adoption platforms are essential tools for small businesses looking to stay competitive in today’s digital age. They help employees learn how to use new software or tools more quickly, reduce training costs, streamline workflows, and increase productivity. The top 10 digital adoption platforms for small businesses, including WalkMe, Whatfix, Apty, Appcues, Userlane, Pendo, Inline Manual, Userpilot, UserIQ, and Gainsight, offer a variety of features to help businesses achieve their digital adoption goals. Small businesses should carefully consider their needs and choose the platform that best suits their requirements.


What are digital adoption platforms?

Digital adoption platforms are software solutions that help businesses to adopt new technologies faster and more efficiently. They provide guidance and support to employees as they learn how to use new software or tools.

Why should small businesses use digital adoption platforms?

Small businesses should use digital adoption platforms to help their employees learn how to use new software or tools more quickly, reduce training costs, streamline workflows, and increase productivity.

How do digital adoption platforms work?

Digital adoption platforms provide guidance and support to employees as they learn how to use new software or tools. They offer features such as on-screen guidance, interactive walkthroughs, analytics, and in-app messaging.

What features should small businesses look for in digital adoption platforms?

Small businesses should look for digital adoption platforms that offer on-screen guidance, interactive walkthroughs, analytics, in-app messaging, user feedback, and A/B testing.

Can digital adoption platforms help increase employee productivity?

Yes, digital adoption platforms can help increase employee productivity by providing guidance and support to employees as they learn how to use new software or tools more effectively.