Top 10 Online Business Administration Degree In 2024

A Brief Overview of Online Business Administration Degree

For a successful career in the field of business, you must establish the right base. It is Southern New Hampshire University’s most awaited program and online course. The bachelor of Science (BS) in Business Administration program focuses on developing these fundamental abilities to enable students to develop into successful entrepreneurs and decision-makers. From interpersonal abilities to strategic problem-solving and operational strategies, This program offers students the necessary tools to be successful in a range of competitive business settings.

A bachelor’s degree in business administration could provide a wide range of opportunities for your professional career. With 14 distinct specializations, you can customize your education to the field you’re hoping to work in after graduation. Each concentration offers the distinct knowledge, abilities, and understanding that each sector is looking for in potential employees.

You can pick an undergraduate degree in Business Administration on its own or choose one of more than a dozen different options.

Online Business Administration Degree
Online Business Administration Degree

What is the definition of a Business Administration Degree?

The bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree focuses on business fundamentals. It can help students discover the core business areas applicable to all companies. The featured courses include accounting, marketing and finance, human resources management, project management, supply chain management, operations management, healthcare management, and many more.

These are all common elements of the business administration curriculum. The business administration or management degree will help prepare students for various jobs by providing them with particular knowledge and experience in various aspects of the business industry.

What You’ll Learn

  • Strategies for managing
  • Collaboration within teams
  • Ethics-based business practices
  • Global business contexts
  • Data-driven strategies
  • Techniques for communicating with the audience

The Online Business degree is a concentration in business.

You can select your bachelor’s business degree by itself or choose one of more than a dozen different specializations.

  • Accounting
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Human Resources Management
  • Industrial Organizational Psychology
  • International Business
  • Management Information Systems
  • Marketing
  • Nonprofit Management
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Project Management
  • Public Administration
  • Sport Management

10 Top Online Business Administration Degree

1. Florida Institute of TechnologyAA in Business Administration
2. Dakota County Technical College AS in Business Administration
3. Lake Region State CollegeAA in Business Administration
4. Trine University Associate in Business Administration
5. John Wood Community CollegeAAS in Business Management
6. Saint Francis UniversityAS in Business Administration
7. Campbellsville UniversityAS Business Administration
8. Central Piedmont Community CollegeAS Business Administration
9. Diablo Valley CollegeAS in Business or AA in Business (transfer)
10. Herkimer County Community CollegeAS or AAS in Business Administration

Which is most important to you? Best Online School for Business Administration?

An MBA or management degree is a popular option for many students looking to make a career path in the field of business. For many, online education is a perfect option. The choice of an online degree lets students continue their education while working full-time. Online degrees also provide the opportunity to speed up your classes, allowing you to complete your degree faster and start your career faster.

Business administration programs teach important business fundamentals for your future career. Introductions to finance, accounting, marketing, strategy, and more are crucial to be successful in the business world.

However, not all bachelor’s degrees in business administration are made identical. It’s crucial to evaluate the online business administration programs available to determine which fits your particular needs best.

Best 10 online school for a Business Administration Degree

Research is essential in comparing business administration degree programs. The course cost, the duration it will take to complete, and the course selection are all crucial aspects to consider when making a choice. However, there are other aspects to consider when making your decision. What amount of credit they are in, the amount they’re in a position to earn once they have graduated, and the many online students a school is home to are all important in determining the best option to suit your needs. (

1. Excelsior College

Only Online Students 25245

Tuition not available

ROI: 497%

2. Western Governors University

Only Online Students: 136,139

Tuition: $6,670 for the year.

3. American Public University System

Only Online Students Only Online Students

Tuition: $7,324 for the year.

ROI: 249%

4. Arizona State University–Skysong

Only Online Students: 43,721

Tuition: $10,806 per annum

ROI: 225%

5. Capella University

Only Online Students The number of students who are online is 37,859

Tuition: $14,540 for the year.

ROI: 171%

6. Southern New Hampshire University

Only Online Students: 106,703

Tuition: $31,136 annually

ROI: 170%

7. Columbia Southern University

Students who are exclusively online 20 034.

Tuition: $5,655 per annum

ROI: 163%

8. Ashford University

Only Online Students: 32.620

Tuition: $12,400 annually

ROI: 118%

9. University of Phoenix – Arizona

Only Online Students: 93,777

Tuition: $9,552 per annum

ROI: 110%

10. Walden University

Only Online Students: 48,420

Tuition: $12,150 for the year.

What’s the best way to use A Bachelor of the field of Business Administration Degree?

Graduating students with management qualifications are among the more flexible fields in the workforce. The job possibilities are infinite. However, most of these choices have the same line of inquiry. As per the Diablo Valley College website, it is ranked at number nine. The most frequently employed position for graduates of the program is in management.

The most lucrative positions they mention in their future job prospects include logistic managers, operations managers, business intelligence analysts, sales managers and business continuity specialists. They can pay upwards of $70 an hour and encompass various fields of the service and goods sectors.

Is Business Administration A Good Career For The Future?

Due to the wide range of applications for this degree, the field of business administration is a lucrative career prospect for the coming years. Based on the US Bureau of Labor, this field is projected to expand by 9 per cent between 2020-2030, which indicates steady and average job growth. 

This number includes openings through replacing existing jobs in the same field and taking on new jobs. The US Bureau of Labor figures indicates it’s a promising field shortly. It offers various jobs in many areas, but education will remain in the same place by 2030.

What Can You Earn with an Associate’s degree in the field of Business Administration Degree?

Business administration degrees offer the potential to pay money. The United States department of labour does not provide median wage figures for people with associate degrees. The average wage of a person with a bachelor’s level is $98,890. That’s only $110 less than the six figures.

The two institutions, Diablo Valley College and Trine University, provide figures on their respective websites. They reveal that students are more likely to get an hourly income with an associate’s level degree, typically ranging between $45 and $70 per hour. In general, the earnings are enough to warrant the degree since one’s income is more than the poverty level. You could live a luxurious life if you’re a household with two incomes at this level.

The Explanation and the Criteria to be Ranked:

  • Universities were ranked based on their ROI rate. It is calculated by a measure of post-graduation earnings for two years and student debt upon the time of graduation. Higher ROI is superior.
  • The universities must provide degrees that are four years old to be considered.
  • Universities must have a non-zero balance of debt and income figures.
  • We have decided to focus on universities with online programs by excluding schools with at minimum 90 per cent of their students online. This excludes brick-and-mortar schools that have internet-based programs from our list.
  • We decided only to include institutions offering online education in a large-scale way because this will provide an improved experience for students seeking the online option to earn their degrees. We only included institutions with at least 15,000 online-only students due to this reason.
  • The definition of “best” is a matter of opinion. However, we use the word based on the method of ranking that we have described previously and in a manner that reflects the values of WGU.

Is a degree in business administration worth it?

The quick answer is yes. The majority of entry-level positions in business require the completion of a bachelor’s. Even if they don’t, professionals with no bachelor’s degrees will be more unable to advance their careers. A bachelor’s degree could provide the opportunity for new jobs, better pay and longer-term job security.

What is the best degree to get in business administration?

The ideal degree for those looking to develop excellent leadership skills and landing high-level leadership jobs can be the MBA (master of business administration). The course typically equips the student with knowledge in accounting and marketing, finance, management and business law, focusing on leadership and business strategies.

What is online business administration?

The business administration online program gives a broad understanding of business that exposes students to all practical aspects of business by acquiring quantitative skills and gaining the skills essential for today’s multinational companies.

Is a 2 year business degree worth it?

An Associate Degree in Business is well worth the cost for professionals. Based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for financial and business jobs is expected to increase by 5 per cent over the next ten years, more than the median for all professions.

Are online business degrees worth it?

Certain students might do better with a different field or a traditional on-campus program. But, for the right person – one who is driven with a business background, appreciates the flexibility of learning, is a fan of independent learning, and is open to learning on their terms – online degrees in business can be worth the investment.

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