15 Interesting Facts about Gold

15 things you didn’t know about Gold answer

Gold is a shiny valuable metal that’s the backbone of many of the world’s economies. When you think about wealth, there’s a good chance gold pops into mind, and we wouldn’t hold that against you, but what if we told you there’s a lot more to gold than meets the eye? In this article, we’ll tell you 15 things about gold you probably didn’t know, and at least a few will leave you surprised, so let’s get to it.

15 interesting facts about gold

what is special about Gold

1. Malleable and Ductile

Gold is extremely malleable and can be rolled into very thin sheets. Gilding or gold leafing is a centuries-old technique. Traditional artisans beat raw gold between pieces of leather until it was so thin it was nearly transparent. A single ounce of gold can be hammered thin enough to cover a surface area of more than 9 square meters. That’s 96.9 square feet.

The gold leaf can be as thin as 0.18 microns or 7 millionths of an inch, making a stack of 7055 sheets no more than a centimeter thick it can also be thinned down to the tiniest of wires. One ounce of gold can be pulled into 80 kilometers or 50 miles of gold wire measuring 5 microns thick. A micron is a measurement for the millionths of a meter. The diameter of the sample is only 0.2 millimeters or 0.008 inches.

2. Chinese Royalty

The Chinese gold mining sector is also the world’s largest national gold producer. In addition to being the world’s largest importer and consumer of gold, China produced 453.5 tons of gold from mining operations in 2016 according to the china gold association, kept its position as the world’s greatest gold producer for the 10th year. Since 2007 china’s annual gold mining output has increased by 62 percent, surpassing 300 tons in 2009 and then 400 tons in 2011. by 2014 it had produced a total of 478 tons of gold, a new high.

3. Glittering Oceans

Are you searching for gold or looking to see if a gold rush is coming up? The oceans are an excellent spot to explore; however, it’s not so easy as panning for gold. A staggering 20 million tonnes of gold can be discovered in oceans worldwide. When I say that in this context, I’m referring to the fact that gold is present in ocean water; however, since the concentration is in the range of parts per trillion, finding it is challenging. There is currently no method to extract gold from seawater that’s cost-effective. Although both genuine and fraudulent, plenty of interested investors and innovators are not discouraged.

4. Ancient Gold

Diamonds may last forever, but refined gold has only been around since 4500 bc. At least archaeologists believe a gold bead as big as an eighth inch discovered in Bulgaria dates back to that period. According to Reuter’s angel Karis off, the tiny jewelry is thought to be the oldest piece of processed gold ever discovered in Europe, if not the world. The varna gold, a cache of gold discovered in an acropolis outside the black sea port of Varna, is likely to precede the earliest gold items.

Archaeologists discovered 13 pounds of gold objects buried in the cemetery between 1972 and 1991. the cash in Varna is a bit of a mystery. The locals were thought to be farmers who had come from the Anatolia peninsula only a few centuries before, so it’s still a mystery how they could accomplish copper and gold smelting in such a short period if the dating is correct. This new bead will stretch their metalworking mystery back another 200 years.

5. Not The Most Expensive

It’s not the most expensive metal around. Palladium and rhodium are among the most expensive metals discovered in the world. Each cost considerably more than gold rhodium, an element of silver that is extremely reflective and resistant to corrosion. It is more expensive than platinum or gold. As the rarest and most expensive metallic material, rhodium can be mostly used in automobile catalytic converters.

That reduces the number of nitrogen oxides released into the air. However, the palladium catalyst has experienced a rise in demand due to the fact that automobile emission regulations have been tightened. The increasing popularity of cars with catalysts made of palladium compared to diesel vehicles with platinum catalytic converters also led to an increase in demand.

6. Every Cloud Has A Gold Lining

A new study has found that earthquakes have the Midas touch according to a model published in the March 17th issue of the journal nature geoscience water in faults evaporates during an earthquake depositing gold, according to Dion weatherly.

The study’s primary author is a geophysicist at the University of Queensland in Australia. The model provides a quantitative mechanism for linking gold and quartz in many of the world’s gold deposits. When an earthquake occurs, it travels along a fault, a rupture in the ground. Many minor cracks can be found throughout the length of a large fault, which are joined by jogs that appear as rectangular voids. Faults are frequently lubricated by water which fills up fractures and jogs.

7. Invincible Gold

Gold is indestructible as it stands. It’s impossible to destroy gold on a molecular level with any naturally occurring substance on earth. Pure gold is virtually indestructible. It’ll not corrode, rust, or tarnish, and fire cannot destroy it. It’s why all the gold extracted from the earth is still melted, re-melted, and used repeatedly.

A great example is the Perth mint in Australia which produces well-known silver and gold bullion coins. They have hosted a public gold pour multiple times a day since 1993. They’ve melted and recast the same gold bar over 65 000 times. None of the recast gold has been irrevocably destroyed.

Nuclear reactions are the only way gold can be genuinely destroyed; however, aqua Reggia, a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids, can dissolve gold, but even still, this doesn’t imply the gold is ruined as a result of its exposure. It instead occurs as gold particles in a more widely scattered form after dissolving.

8. An Edible Metal

Since ancient times, gold has been utilized in medicine, dentistry, and as a food decoration element; gold is chemically inert and doesn’t easily decompose. Still, experts claim that pure edible gold doesn’t degrade or
disintegrate in the bloodstream, and as a result, it’s excreted from the body as a waste product.

However, not much is said about edible gold, and the lot relies on how much of it is consumed. On the other hand, gold and nanoparticles may cause hypersensitivity to metals if administered directly. It might cause damage to cell membranes, but when it comes to eating edible gold flakes in drinks, sweets, or delicacies, the gold particles are large, making it difficult for them to get through cell membranes and cause any damage. As a result, it’s thought to be safe for consumption. It just might glimmer on the way down the toilet when you flush.

9. Golden Humans

The human body comprises numerous elements, and gold is one of the lesser-known ones. A person with a 70-kilogram body would have a total mass of 0.2 milligrams of gold. If a trace amount of gold is transformed into a solid cube of refined gold, it’ll measure 0.22 millimeters, and you know the actual point of the human body containing gold has recently been determined it plays a vital role in the health and maintenance of the joints and even more interestingly being a good conductor of electricity it actually helps in transmitting electrical signals throughout the body.

10. Extreme Creation

Gold owes its status as a precious metal to its rarity. All the gold mines throughout history would fit into a square box with sides around 20 meters in length, not because of a failure to mine.

More gold is rare throughout the universe because it’s a relatively hefty atom consisting of 79 protons and 118 neutrons that make it hard to produce even in the incredible heat and pressure of the chemical forages of supernovae, the deaths of giant stars responsible for creating most chemical elements there’s even skepticism over a supernovae’s ability to do the job according to a new study even more violent occurrences like collisions between neutron stars or dead stars ultra-dense cores may be required, so it’s no surprise the stuff is pretty pricey.

11. Mined Away

According to the most recent estimates, roughly 205 238 tons of gold have been mined throughout history, with around two-thirds mined since 1950. Because gold is practically indestructible, almost all of it is still around in some form or another. If every ounce of gold was put next to each other, the resulting cube of pure gold would only be 22 meters long on either side. New technology might make it viable to extract.

Some known deposits that are currently inaccessible due to the cost of big data artificial intelligence and smart data mining are some of the most recent breakthroughs, all of which have the potential to improve operations and save costs robotics are already being utilized at several mine exploration sites. They’re likely to become more common in the future.

12. Excrement of the Gods

Gold had symbolic and spiritual significance for the Aztecs and many other groups of people in ancient America. In fact, the word for gold in Nahuatl, the dialect of the Aztecs of Mexico, is to cuidlato, which means
the excrement of the god’s gold was associated with leadership, power, wealth, and authority.

The Aztec emperor, whose terrain stretched from the pacific ocean to the Gulf of Mexico in the 16th century, had complete control over gold mines and industries within his domain. Despite the Aztec leadership and religious connotations for gold, the precious metal was only helpful to individuals.

Gold was primarily used for personal decoration when it was fashioned into jewelry or other spiritual symbols in ancient Aztec society. Although some pieces encapsulated sophisticated religious symbolism, many of the items were just plain and simple jewelry pieces.

13. An Alchemist’s Dream

The eternal quest of alchemists to change base metals into gold was actually achieved to a certain degree in In soviet nuclear reactors where radioactivity transformed some lead nuclei into gold in the 1970s; it was
found that a Russian nuclear research reactor on the shore of lake bake had developed small fragments of gold on the lead shielding.

These particles of gold had been formed by the intense energy of the nuclear reaction displacing protons from the lead atoms on the surface of the reactor shield. This was one of the earliest examples of lead to gold transmutation, a pursuit of centuries of alchemic experimentations.

14. Gold Producing Bacteria

Like many other elements, gold can undergo a biochemical cycle in which it’s dissolved, redistributed, and eventually reconcentrated in the earth’s sediment.

No other life form on the planet has successfully infiltrated every environment as bacteria’s microscopic single cells. Some of these bacteria are experts at cleaning precious metals, one of their numerous roles in life on earth.

Cooperativity metal endurance, a metal-eating bacteria, has been discovered to swallow hazardous metal compounds while still having and producing microscopic gold nuggets as a side effect. According to an international team of researchers, could this be the next big breakthrough in conquering more gold?

15. Alien Gold

Gold prices are reaching seemingly unworldly highs, which may be appropriate given a study that concluded nearly all of the gold we humans treasure was likely delivered to earth by gigantic planetoids that collided with earth late in its development.

sometimes four and a half billion years ago, the discoveries add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that gold, platinum-palladium, and other iron-loving metals found in the crusts and mantles of the earth, the moon, and mars come from impactors the size of many planets during our solar system’s last phase of planet formation according to several researchers from credible institutions these gigantic collisions occurred within tens of millions of years of the considerably larger impact that generated our moon.


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What you didnt know about gold?

Pure gold can be so flexible (translation that means stretchy) that a single ounce can be dragged out in an elongated thread of 50 miles without breaking (at the point that it will be too thin to discern). If you could do this to all the gold available it would cover the globe by 11 million.

Can gold rust?

In terms of an elemental component, it is among the elements the least reactive. Purely, gold does not stain or rust since it does not mix with oxygen very easily. This is the reason why pure gold is in the same shiny state as.

Why is gold shiny?

A second light wave that is reflected by the ocean of electrons. The second wave of light that is reflected off the metal is reflected to our eyes, making it appear as shiny. The light that is reflected off this metal is combination of wavelengths that represent all visible colors (though not all in equal amounts)

Who found gold first?

Gold! On the 24th of January, 1848 James W. Marshall discovered gold on the property of Johann A. Sutter near Coloma, California.

What does gold smell like?

Although we identify the color gold with many smells and natural ingredients (honey sunflowers, honey wheat, citruses, marigolds, narcissus) gold , as a material is a neutral metal with an indistinguishable scent. Many people who are skeptical about the purity of a gold-colored metal are aware of an “scent” coming from the metal.

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